I am a Political Science and International Affairs tenure Professor at University San Francisco de Quito, a Georg Foster Fellow at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA). Additionally, I am the Director of the Ecuadorian Political Science Association - AECIP and Director and Founder of Pescadito Editoriales. My research explores corruption in different dimensions, political institutions, international politics and scientific research methodology. I hold a doctoral degree in Political Science from the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Buenos Aires, Argentina). I have been visiting professor at Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle (Paris 3) and in other universities in Europe and Latin America.
My latest book "Corrupción judicial en el mundo: diagnóstico, evolución y salidas. Ecuador, Senegal y Madagascar en perspectiva comparada" can be obtained for free here. Contact me directly to clarify any concerns or questions: [email protected]